Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Part Two: Women Are Mental

We've already established that women are crazy. And that's nothing that we women should be ashamed of. We are passionate creatures. We feel things insanely deeply. Every emotion is a whirlwind of intensity that is experienced to the fullest. This isn't always a beneficial aspect of being a woman, however. Previously, I talked about how men need to watch out for how they behave around women, because women are easily susceptible to the charms of chivalry. I also mentioned that the way we women behave is usually much worse than anything guys are capable of. And here's why.

Women are mental. Men are physical. Guys have a problem, they punch something. Women have a problem, and you never hear the end of it. There's plotting. There's diabolical scheming. And it's all in our heads. There's a reason that girls are stereotyped as alien beings that men can't seem to understand. We don't even understand ourselves. But how does this tie in to guys not being too nice and 13-year-old girls going crazy over texts? The thing is, as I've said, women are over-thinkers. We take every little action and blow it out of proportion, making ourselves go crazy over all the possible meanings of said action. When a guy is just honestly being a nice guy, being thoughtful, kind, chivalrous, and gentlemanly, women can often misinterpret this as something more. A guy tells a girl she looks very pretty. The girl thinks it means he's in love with her. Not immediately, though. This conclusion is the result of many nights of ruminating over "what he meant". Due to the over-thinking, the girl has played out various scenarios in her head and has convinced herself that she is in love with the guy who complimented her. (This is somewhat of an exaggeration).

Obviously, guys aren't the only ones who have things to work on. Girls need to work on taking steps rather than sprinting to a hypothetical finish line in their heads. We need to see things for what they really are instead of jumping from point A to point B at the drop of a hat (or at the reception of a text). It's unfair to guys who are just trying to be the the gentlemen that God created them to be. Guys just attempting to be kind and virtuous. And it's unfair to the friendships that we women can form with these men. If a guy has to worry that every single little thing he says will be taken differently than his intention, he's not going to want to keep up that chivalrous, thoughtful personality. A personality that keeps getting him into awkward situations with his female friends.

I realize that many people may have no notion of what I'm talking about. This isn't everyone's experience. Personally, I've seen a lot of this type of thing happen. And it's sad to think that men and women are prevented from a genuine friendship because of flirtatious niceties and over-thinkers, on both sides. We women need to slow down, stand back, and evaluate things for what they really are, not for what we want them to be. We need to stop jumping to outrageous conclusions and stop mentally behaving like preteens at a Jonas Brothers concert. We need to thank God for wonderful men who go out of their way to make us feel special. As women. As friends. Guys who will do those nice things for us without expecting anything in return. We need to stop being mental, and start being real.

To be continued.....again.....

1 comment:

  1. Here's the thing: Girls need to learn to LET guys be chivalrous, without over-thinking, obsessing, and making him regret his gentlemanly ways.


    of already know that.
