Thursday, July 5, 2012

Some Introduction

What prompts us to share ideas?

I love imposing my views onto other people. It's a horrible habit, and a vice I've been tirelessly working to eradicate. But, nonetheless, I love telling other people what I think and why they should think it as well. Why? Because it's fun. Because I get some sort of satisfaction from proving someone else wrong. Because it's human nature to argue. These are simply my best guesses. But the question still remains: why do we want to voice our ideas and opinions to other people? And why do we most often hide behind the safety of our internet to do so, since we are "obviously" confident in our claims of truth? I honestly don't know the answer. But I will admit that I am one of these people. Well, duh, I am creating a blog.

The reason for this blog.

Like I said, I like to share ideas, opinions, and thoughts. But I, like any other person, like to do so without being interrupted and outrightly challenged. What better place for me than a blogging site? However, that's not the only reason.

I can't possibly count the number of times during the day when my brain goes into daydream mode. You know exactly what I mean. You're sitting, standing, kneeling, crouching, back-bending, hand-standing, whatever it is you do, and your mind is completely somewhere else. I daydream and I philosophize, and quite often I have really fascinating ruminations about life, death, love, nature, brownies, you name it. But I never write anything down. I want to, because every time I do the daydream, I learn things about myself. I discover more the inner workings of what makes me me. And whether or not I decide to share this blog with anyone (or if I do, that anyone actually reads it), it doesn't matter. This is for me. For my peace of mind. And for the growth of my soul. 

Some random warnings.

1. I'm not an English major. I. Love. Sentence. Fragments. Run-on sentences make me giddy. Grammar usage is not my forte. If this is going to bother you, and make your inner grammar Nazi twitch with horror, LEAVE NOW.

2. While I don't usually intend to offend, offense usually happens anyway. Odds are that whoever reading whatever I write (type) won't agree with me on something. This is the internet. I'm willing to take that chance.

Wrapping Up.

Hopefully, all goes well and I actually enjoy this. Because, to me, that's the most important thing. If you don't like what you're doing, what's the point? We all need that outlet of creativity that helps to make us a well rounded individual, and I guess this is mine. However, unlike the great artists of music (Beethoven, Mozart, Liszt), art (Picasso, Monet, Van Gogh), and story (Homer, Dante, Dickens), the expressions of my inner self will most likely go no where. They'll stay here, never to be famous, quoted, or thought of again. Never to be immortalized or praised. And that's just how I like it. See, me and my ramblings, we're not here for eternity.

We're just passing through.

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