Sunday, July 22, 2012

Part One: You've Been Lied To

"WHY WON'T HE TEXT ME?! Was it something I said? He seemed like he liked does he? Why are boys so complicated?! Forget him. Just forget him. He's obviously not worth it if he can't take the time to even- OH MY GOSH HE JUST TEXTED ME! I. Am. So. In. Love."

Guys, just skip over the next few parts. It might cause your uvula to twitch.

Okay, girls. No matter how much you tell yourselves you're NOT like this, you are. Underneath whatever facade you force onto the world, you are that little, 13-year-old girl whose easily broken heart jumps every time that cute boy says hello. Or, maybe that isn't quite you. Irregardless, you've gushed, you've obsessed, you've "wondered why he didn't (insert communication response here)" you back. You wondered the why's and you pondered the if's. "Why won't he talk to me?", and my personal favorite, "If only I knew what he was thinking!" Ladies, I've recently come to realize that we're all a bit crazy, eh? We're over-thinkers, to put it plainly. We stand on the precipice of insanity, just barely keeping ourselves in the land of the sane.

What guys don't understand is that girls don't just take something at face value. We never see or hear things as they really are. Listen men, when you send a girl a sweet text, I can guarantee you within 5 minutes of her receiving it, she's already got her wedding dress picked out. Don't let this scare you. Let it frighten you to the core. Be afraid. Be "holy crap my mom said my dad will deal with me when he gets home" afraid. You may not realize it, but you have an insane amount of power that is effortless in use and impossible to control. Because it's pretty much anything you say and do. If a girl likes a guy, she will start to see anything nice he does for her as an admission of unconditional love.

Alright, so guys have something they need to watch out for. You all need to watch your behavior. Be careful how you say things and how you act around women. In an age where chivalry is very nearly dead in appearance, we women will cling to anything that ever so slightly resembles it. We have an inherent need to be cared for. And sometimes, an extra caring male friend can over step boundaries without really realizing it. Without knowing he's done it, he's sending out signals to a hyper-receptive receiver, just by being a nice guy. So just watch yourselves. Make sure that if you don't have feelings for a girl, you make it clear. Be a gentleman without being too gentle. There's a balance. Like I said, girls are looking for anything that resembles a true man. And sometimes, being friendly can come across as flirty, if you're not careful.

Any woman reading this is probably nodding her head in agreement. Well, it's your turn now sweetheart. I'm sick of all the crap guys get about their "behavior". I'm tired of listening to talks that are used to bring home the point that men are senseless pigs who don't understand anything about anything. And I'm so done with the whole "women are the crown of Creation; far above anything else. Something men must chase after. But men are too incompetent to know how to treat their women like a true man should." Granted, not everyone thinks this way. But more often than not, I find most "relationship" talks to be similarly repetitive in nature.  I hate having my gender placed on a pedestal of something impossible to live up to. Men, you've been lied to. Because we have just as many issues and problems as you. In fact, we're worse.

To be continued. . . . 

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