Sunday, August 12, 2012

Impatient for the Sunshine

I'm upset because I haven't heard from him. I'm sick of being the first one to initiate communication. I refuse to put myself out there anymore. Obviously, the feelings I have aren't mutual. Or he doesn't have any idea. Or he does and is choosing to ignore it because he's hoping I'll take the hint. Either way, I'm tired of having feelings for people who don't reciprocate them and for people who turn out to be horrible. I keep having doubts about these feelings, maybe because I want to convince myself that I don't. Because, that way, it's not as painful. I pretend like I'm someone who's not easily affected, and someone who doesn't open up easily. But the truth is, I wear my heart on my hypothetical sleeve. I give everything too quickly and put my whole self into things too soon. I think it's because I'm so desperate to have something to be happy about. That's the problem with him. I've put myself, my whole being, into these feelings. Feelings I'm not even sure he's aware of. And I keep hoping this stand-still situation will turn into something. When it keeps disappointing me, I turn on myself. I analyze who I am and who I'm not. I pick apart my actions, berating myself for not being the person he'll want. Scolding myself for caring so much for a person who will only ever see me one way: as a friend. Eventually, I talk myself out of the emotions. Convince myself that I need to focus on me, and my relationship with God (the only thing that should matter). I allow myself to forget that there was never any potential. Forget that I imagined any possibility of there being reciprocation. Forget why I had the feelings in the first place. And then, after I start to believe that I'm past it and that I've moved on from this ridiculous hormone-induced state of emotions, it happens. He does or says something that makes me remember what an amazing person he is. Makes me remember why I cared about him so much as a human being. Makes me fall back into the continuously vicious cycle of annoying brain chemistry that simply will not allow me to move on. All my work is undone and I'm left feeling foolish at square one. (HEY! That rhymed!).

I feel foolish because I'm nineteen. Nineteen year olds don't "fall in love". Nineteen year olds are children. Too young to fully grasp the concept of a love born of a sacrifice. It's childish to feel this way about someone. Because, realistically, will they even matter ten years from now? But I see other people who "have it". Why them and not me? Maybe I'm just not ready yet. I've tried before and it's never worked out. Maybe I actually need to trust God and take a hint. He's got something ( and someone) amazing planned for me. But I, in my childish and human impatience, refuse to be patient enough to discover the path. I insist on just chopping down the forest to get to the sunshine on the other side, instead of slowly traversing the thin, crooked dirt road while taking in the beauty all around me. It's something we all do. We all try to sprint to the finish line. We all attempt to get to our goal as quickly as possible without experiencing the hardships of failure and disappointment. My impatience is a horrible vice. It's a downfall. But I'm trying to overcome it. To let God work as He will on me. To let my life stretch on in front of me. But, irregardless, changing the hormone levels of my brain is impossible. So I'll continue to allow myself these irritating and pointless feelings. Keeping in mind that they'll one day lead me through the woods, to the sunny clearing He's prepared for me.


  1. Lydia, you just keep being your wonderful self and working on YOU and either this guy will come around to see it or he won't, and that is his loss and there will be someone even more wonderful for you around the corner.

    Does he know how you feel? If not, I suggest telling him how you feel and then giving him some time and space to process it. However you may end up losing your friend. Is that a risk you are willing to take?

    The best thing you can do at 19 is learn to love yourself and learn to know yourself and who you are and how that is changing every day. A happy, healthy smiling girl is much more attractive and fun to be around than an angsty one.

    Love your blog, keep writing!!!

  2. Wow. I just have to say that you are not alone in what you're feeling! As an eighteen year old female living in this world, I can totally reciprocate. I start feeling content, start loving what I'm doing, and in waltzes Mr. Wonderful who has no idea that I am thinking about and praying for him. Thank God that He is writing my love story, because it would have been messed up a long time ago had I snatched the pen back :) It is hard to follow His plan, but it is so very worth it.
    I happened upon your blog by chance, so I don't even know you, and you have no idea who I am. But I do know one thing, and that is that we are currently going through the same trial, and it isn't an easy one. I love how honest you were about feeling like you were ready to move on, then being reminded how great he is when he says or does something, and how frustrating that is. Thank you for speaking out and being relate-able! God bless, EA
