Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Dark Night Rises

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it." - Terry Pratchett

Sometimes at night, I think about darkness. About how it's all encompassing. Completely and totally powerful just by being what it is. And it seems like the light has to work so much harder to be known. It has to try to shine brighter than ever to beat that ever lingering darkness. And why? Because the dark will always try to put it out. The black abyss will always try to encapsulate any vestige of light that tries to penetrate its despairing lack of clarity. How can any hope possibly slip past this seemingly impenetrable wall of blackness? It seems fruitless. Pointless. Hopeless. With so much darkness dampening down the light, what does this mean for the future? Why was the darkness made? To make us feel terror? To teach us that the way of the light is impossibly difficult? No. There is darkness because its existence is essential in order for us to understand the meaning of the light. In order for us to fully grasp the significance of the light that does get through. It seems hopeless. It seems like the world drowns in the darkness of despair. Like that's all we're ever able to focus on. But the struggle of the light is never fruitless. It will always burst through the gateway of the night. It will always catch our attention, even when the darkness seems to overcome it.

Because that's why God made darkness, you see. So that when the light shines, it's all you notice anymore.

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