Monday, August 27, 2012

Batter Up

There are a lot of moments of which we don't take advantage. The pitch leaves the glove and time stops as we watch the fast-approaching leather sphere near our oblivious state of mind. We see it coming but we are completely unaware of its significance. Moments like this pass us by daily. When we refuse to be aware of life's opportunities we miss out on crucial, defining moments. Most of us don't get second chances at things. We come to a point in our lives where a decision really does affect us permanently, and it's impossible to get a do-over. Attempts can be made to redirect the consequences of our decisions, or lack thereof. We can try to be more attentive to our actions. We can try to be more watchful for those little and big moments and opportunities that reshape our lives. 

It's not fair that certain things are out of our control. We can't predict how fast the ball will come at us, or which direction it will take. We can't dictate when the ball leaves the pitcher's glove. And we can't always expect to hit a home run. But we should never strike out looking. We should never just sit back and watch as life's opportunities whiz past at lightning speed. 

You're at the bottom of the ninth in life. The game is tied. The count is full. The crowd waits, perched tentatively on the edges of their seats. Everything in your life has led you to this moment. The whole world is watching you. Relying on you. Waiting for you. So swing with all your might. And, for the love of God, don't miss.

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